Saturday, October 29, 2005

My first measured 60 shot series

I tend I like just shooting away and measuring my outcomes on a daily basis. I just like shooting air pistol. I dont have time to compete at the moment so I hadn't bothered to see how I'll stack up.

Today I thought I'd give a 60 shot run a go.

Now Typically, a 60 shot competition is spanned over 105 minutes, and you shoot one pellet into each clean target so that you know exactly what to score.

I shoot at home and don't have the luxury of a target changer, so I opted for 10 shots per target, and used the "if in doubt, score low" method of judgement.

I also was kinda short of time, and also curious to see what the pressure of rapid shooting would do to affect the scoring, so I shot the 60 in 30 minutes. Thats roughly 4 minutes per ten shots, plus target changing times, and score counting. In effect this means that It was load, raise. tick tick tick... shoot. Load raise.... Its damn tiring, and I think a bottle of powerade on the side would be a good idea.

My focus felt good today, but at that speed with that many shots I definately felt the bad shots. Over 60 I had a number 8's, and 7's. My overall score was 550/600 which I am not going to complain at with the pace I pushed. Had my 8's & 7's been in the normal 9 postion ( saying 10 would be greedy) then my score would have been around 12-20 points up. Still, I didn't and it wasn't. My plan is to do at least one full 60 shot measure per week to build up a consistent competion style of shooting and scoring.

The Goal. I have been shooting with reasonable weekly practice for around 6 months now, and only for 1 month with a competition air pistol. I would like to set the goal of a 570 score for myself by the end of the year. It's best to set goals that push yourself hard without feeling impossible. All I need to gain this is a conversion of each of those rushed bad shots, and a maintenance of the 9's and 10's I'm getting now. Only time and training will tell.


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